
Adult and child painting together at a table during a workshop, with other participants in the background.Knight Campus program engages young scientists before it’s too late

Nov. 4, 2023

Science outreach efforts often reach young would-be scientists when it’s too late says Tayler Hebner, a postdoctoral scholar in the Benoit Lab who organized “Engineering Tomorrow’s World: Girls Leading The Way.”



Science Knight Out with Prof. Danielle Benoit

April 11, 2023

Prof. Benoit was the featured speaker for the 2023 Science Knight Out, giving a talk on “Precision Medicine for Better Bones.” Science Knight Out is a community science lecture that is open to the public and is sponsored by the University of Oregon Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact. The annual event supports the mission of the Knight Campus of science advancing society and the goal of engaging the public in the excitement and creativity of scientific research. You can watch Prof. Benoit’s 2023 Science Knight Out lecture here.

Person demonstrates with a graduated cylinder while students look on and some participateScience Outreach Initiatives at the University of Rochester

2011 – 2022

The Benoit Lab has a rich history of science outreach that ranges from teaching fourth graders about the different areas of biomedical engineering, to teaching middle schoolers about hydrogels, to raising thousands of dollars for childhood leukemia. While based at the University of Rochester, the lab took on some notable projects including:


  • Biomaterials Day — A collaboration with Syracuse University to highlight regional research focused on the development of interactive biomaterials
  • Biomaterials Education Challenge — Student-led initiative to develop an educational module for middle school science classrooms on fundamental biomaterials
  • Mrs. Hoffend’s 4th Grade Class — Annual elementary outreach program offering science demos and the opportunity for students to get to know scientists and their research
  • Alex’s Lemonade Stand Fundraiser — Market fundraiser to give back to the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) and raise awareness about childhood leukemia